Partner with Passionate Professionals
Managing your money is so often an overwhelming, time-consuming, and downright scary thing. Terence Tobin, CFP® and Salomé Nel, of Rich Ideas Group, are here to help you on your journey.
We are a team of passionate financial professionals, who specialise in financial planning and advice. We offer a first consultation; without obligation, so you can ask any questions on your mind and for us to understand who you are and what is important to YOU!
Terence and Salomé understand that every single person is different. We also realize that the big picture is vital in moving you forward on your journey.
This is why we focus on all aspects of your financial journey – not just policies and products.
Our office is based in Jukskei Park, Gauteng, South Africa; however, we are 99% virtual and help clients through SA and internationally too.
Who are you? What do you think about? What is your relationship to money? These and many more questions, have a huge impact on you and your family reaching your financial goals. Telling you what to think and what to do, is not my business. Rather it is to work alongside you, so that reaching your goals is as easy as possible.
Salomé is passionate about helping others shine. Her commitment to her work, dedication to her colleagues and clients as well as her ability to keep her thumb on all that is happening at Rich Ideas; is why everyone that works with her, absolutely loves her.
The Financial Advisors and Planners at Rich Ideas, are fee based. This means we focus on you and not product providers.
Much the same as other professional practitioners we charge a professional fee based on the time and effort we spend in preparing opinions, proposals and research.
We unfortunately cannot merely prepare proposals with detailed solutions and recommendations without compensation. We believe that our solutions and recommendations stand apart from products that can be used to meet the planning requirements and must be remunerated as such.
This also prevents the bias to recommend solutions which are tailored to sell products and keeps us focused on you.
If you are contacted via WhatsApp or any other medium by strangers reporting to be authorised to offer financial services on behalf of Rich Ideas Group (Pty) Ltd or Rich Ideas or any variation of our name, please do not engage with them or do business with them. The ONLY two authorised respresentatives of Rich Ideas Group (Pty) Ltd are listed on this website with their photos. If you are unsure, please contact our offices directly or email our founder Terence Tobin.
We do not cold call, we do not canvas for business via email, WhatsApp or other means.
Please also visit – The Financial Sector Conduct Authority – for further verfication.